Wandering Alpha Site Redesign, Relaunch & Update
Did you arrive at this page looking for Wandering Alpha? If so, don’t worry. We’re doing a complete overhaul of the site and making it bigger, better, and with more information.
We should be up and running on May 21st, 2021. You’ll also be able to check out our new section on AI Ethics for any company implementing machine learning. Plus, we’ll have fully updated Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Quantum Computing, and many other sections.
In case you didn’t know. Our Technology Think Tank has become an industry leader in providing clear, insightful, and up-to-date information. WA is used by graduate programs at universities around the globe, by Fortune 500, 100, and 50 companies in their executive training programs, and numerous private equity, family offices, and hedge funds. Just as importantly, WA is used by startups, solopreneurs, high school students, and readers interested in better understanding technology and the associated opportunities/risks.
Until then, hang tight.
If you would like to be informed when the new site is live, leave your email below, and we will email you the moment we hit the go-live button.
Christopher Sanchez & Co. is your business performance partner. We help clients start companies, reframe problems, and uncover asymmetrical advantages by applying our frameworks and methods to three critical areas: crafting the best questions, isolating the most valuable answers, and constructing narratives that break through the noise.