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New Arms Race - AI, Deep Fakes, Hypersonic Weapons, Autonomous Weapons, Quantum Technologies, and more.
New Arms Race Christopher Sanchez New Arms Race Christopher Sanchez

New Arms Race - AI, Deep Fakes, Hypersonic Weapons, Autonomous Weapons, Quantum Technologies, and more.

It’s great to announce that we are closing in on the official launch of the New Arms Race. A site dedicated to the modern technologies driving the arms race of tomorrow. Originally part of the Technology Think Tank Wandering Alpha, the New Arms Race will be a dedicated site solely focused on the weaponized use of technology by state and non-state actors.

Our main goal is to analyze, break down, and present all the major technologies simply and clearly as we have done at Wandering Alpha. We will look at current and suggested regulations covering each of the technologies and suggest best practices for policymakers to consider when crafting treaties, policies, and doctrines.

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