Guanajuato International Film Festival (GIFF) Presenta El Foro SinergIA

Christopher Sanchez gave a presentation focused on the augmentation + amplification of individuals using artificial intelligence over the automation of their jobs. He shared his view that while tech executives like himself are responsible for developing augmenting AI products, the consumer bases worldwide have to vote with the wallets and support work created with AI & humans.

“We need the entire ecosystem of AI companies, investors, governments, and consumers to focus on paying a little more for goods generated with AI & Humans. All of us are responsible for the world we are creating with artificial intelligence and we can move the market in the direction we want if we change our spending habits to support companies, creative, investors, and platforms that are focused on the development of an augmented future over those who are purely focused on profits and developing an automated future.”

Christopher Sanchez Founder & CEO of Emergent Line explains artificial intelligence to the media during the Foro SinergIA in Leon, Guanajuato

The remainder of the presentation covered how new AI systems are developed, the need to focus on the ethical development of AI, suggestions to create an AI future for Latin America, and the rate of exponential change the world is undergoing.

Following his presentation, Christopher had a fireside chat with Deputy Editor of Forbes Mexico, Roberto Arteaga, where they discussed the broader AI trends, the need to develop more resources in Spanish for the Latin American populations, the risks/opportunities Christopher sees for LATAM, and more concrete examples of how the future of LATAM can be powered with artificial intelligence.

About the Foro SinergIA:

Expertos en tecnología, cine y legislación discutieron la revolución de la inteligencia artificial

Como parte de las actividades de su vigesimosexta edición, el Festival Internacional de Cine Guanajuato presentó el viernes 21 de julio la primera parte del Foro SinergIA. Se trató de un encuentro de alto nivel con expertos en inteligencia artificial, autoridades y líderes de la industria creativa, en el que se exploraron los retos que plantea la revolución de la inteligencia artificial en el ámbito creativo y su relación con la sociedad de consumo, la economía y el ámbito laboral.

GIFF se ha caracterizado por su atención a las innovaciones tecnológicas y su visión a futuro. En este novedoso foro se generaron previsiones, estrategias y propuestas de valor encaminadas a tomar decisiones informadas con una clara visión humanista y ética.

En las discusiones se abarcaron un amplio rango de perspectivas. Se dialogó a profundidad sobre temas como el concepto legal de propiedad intelectual, la incapacidad de la IA para generar intuiciones o estilos propios, la democratización de las herramientas creativas, la relevancia de la actual huelga de guionistas y actores en EE. UU. o la hegemonía del mercado como dictador último de las tendencias en contenidos y gran ganador de esta turbulencia tecnológica.

Courtesy of Foro SinergIA by GIFF.

Christopher Sanchez

Christopher Sanchez is an accomplished technologist, entrepreneur, investor, author, and advisor. He serves as a Senior Advisor to G7/G20 Governments, top academic institutions, institutional investors, startups, and Fortune 500 companies. He has been featured in WIRED, Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, MIT Sloan, and numerous other publications.


Generative AI Keynote in San Miguel de Allende


Ana Paula Ordorica and Christopher Sanchez discuss Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI, the Upcoming Presidential Elections in Mexico, and Latin America on BROOJULA (El Universal)